On Friday, September 6th, we found ourselves in the Royal Navy Dockyard in Bermuda.
Really pretty here, but boy is it hot. The kind of hot that hits you in the face when you open the door, like the back room of a one-hour dry cleaners. You could hear the heat coming before you felt it. Luckily, the deck chairs are only 2 steps away, because our glasses were fogged up before finishing the first step.
Located in the North Atlantic’s West Indies, Bermuda is a collection of some 138 islands. While it is an independent country, it is also a British Overseas Territory.
It has no corporate income tax, and is said to have the highest GDP (per capita) in the world. Its primary incomes are through tourism and offshore insurance companies. I can’t speak to the insurance company part of it, but the tourist prices are absolutely exorbitant.

Public transportation is top notch and readily available, which works out well, because they pride themselves on not offering rental cars.

Surprisingly their only source of fresh was is through rain water.
We opted for a ferry ride to Hamilton island. It was pretty and we enjoyed a bit of site seeing a some lunch.

Hamilton is a nice little town. (Ironic how this gentleman keeps popping up the last few days. He’s everywhere! He’s everywhere!)

It is fairly modern, and has cool little alleyways running between the buildings. These provided cozy, breezy shady spots for outdoor dining and drinking establishments.

We enjoyed one of the city parks, and the City Hall. We especially like the cute, colors over-stuffed chairs scattered throughout the grounds surrounding City Hall.

Like many spots in the Bahamas, beachwear is not allowed outside of the beeches. And all the locals are dressed really nicely.

Bermudan is known for its pretty beaches. Many are unique in that they have pink sand.

Although we spent our day visiting the townsite, I was really impressed when researching the beautiful beaches. Many are part of exclusive resorts, but several are open to the public and appear to be really something different and special. Namely Horseshoe Bay Beach and Pink Beach.

There is a third beach that peaked my interest as well. Sea Glass Beach has thousands of pieces of smooth glass pieces, whether we by the ocean waves.

Some say they can hear the chimes made by the glass as the waves wash upon the shoreline. Sound or not, everyone agrees that it is a “site to sea”! (See how I did that but there. Sorry. I try to control it, but it comes in waves. Oops…)
Our trip was a bit brief. Mostly, it was the heat. However, I have to say that, the pace of activities over the last month has left us with little wind beneath our sails. But it’s okay. Our trip was great, and we are looking forward to whatever our tomorrow’s bring.
And so, as our day winded down, we relaxed on deck and enjoyed the evening breeze.

Next stop, the Bahamas, the source, no doubt, of yet another story.
Thank you for visiting
– Mike
“No one ever has or ever will travel quite the same path on earth…” M.L. Stedman, The Light Between Oceans
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