

By Mike Mikus | March 19, 2024

Hello, and welcome back. Last week we visited Sydney, Australia. We have previously been lucky enough to have traveled to six continents, so we got up early so I could take a picture of my finger arriving in the seventh…

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By Mike Mikus | March 18, 2024

After enjoying our day in Sydney, we looked forward to the several other cities that we would be visiting before arriving at The Great Barrier Reef. The following morning, we awoke in Newcastle, AU. Known as “Newie” to the locals,…

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The Great Barrier Reef

By Mike Mikus | March 14, 2024

Today we visited the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) another Natural Wonder of the World. This beautiful reef is the largest living organism on earth and can actually be seen from outer space.  I say “today”, but the truth is, we’ve been navigating out…

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New Zealand

By Mike Mikus | March 4, 2024

Welcome back to’s  “Getting There. Doing That.” travel blog. Today, is Monday, day 84. We’re visiting New Zealand. Like myself, you probably assume that there is also an “Old Zealand”. Turns out, your correct. (Well, kind of.) According to…

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Tahiti, French Polynesia

By Mike Mikus | March 2, 2024

Hello! We’re so pleased to welcome y’all back. In the interest of poking fun at life’s little lessons, today we are introducing a new section to our blog. This next bit falls under our new “The grass is brown on…

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