
Trieste, Italy & Postojna, Slovenia

By Mike Mikus | June 21, 2024

Hail fellows! It all happened a long time ago, in a place far, far away… (for those readers suffering from fantasy aversion disorder, that is to say, it happened this morning in Central Europe) …when the mighty King was joined…

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Ravenna, Italy 

By Mike Mikus | June 20, 2024

Hello, and thank you for dropping by.  Today’s adventures took us to the medieval city of Ravenna (pronounced ruh · veh · nuh), the Italian city of mosaics.  Back in the 200-300 AD era, Ravenna was the third most powerful city…

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Bologna, Italy

By Mike Mikus | June 19, 2024

Hello all. Welcome to our travel blog. Today’s adventure has raven us to the famed city of Bologna (pronounced buh·lo·nyuh) the home of 400,000 very well fed residents. I say that because, Bologna is the renown for their cuisine. Also, their churches,…

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Bari, Italy

By Mike Mikus | June 18, 2024

Dear Diary — Buongiorno! Today we returned to one of our favorite countries, Italy, where we talked a lot with the local residents, and boy are my hands tired. (Sorry, that was a joke about Italians talking with their hands.…

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Corfu, Greece

By Mike Mikus | June 17, 2024

Hello, thanks for dropping by.  Today we are in our only stopover in Greece. Since we were rerouted, our other stopovers in Greece were replaced with Africa, so we wanted to make the most of the day.  The two most…

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By Mike Mikus | June 14, 2024

Ironically, the city of Gibraltar is a very tiny “over seas territory” of Great Britain. Measuring only 2.5 square miles, the entire territory is literally less than half of the size of Heathrow Airport. While throughout history, Morocco and Spain have vied…

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Canary Islands, Spain

By Mike Mikus | June 12, 2024

As we traversed northward from West Africa the oceans are fading to blue, and the desert landscapes transitioned to tropical foliage. We have spent the last two days in the Canary Islands, located just north of west Africa, the archipelago is made…

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