Today we are visiting the beautiful country of Grenada (pronounced “gruh · naa · duh”, and not to be confused with Granada, a city in Spain). Grenada is a Caribbean island and home of the Spice Isle. It is the southernmost island of the Lesser Antilles, lying 100 miles north of Venezuela, and is known for its beautiful beaches, spectacular waterfalls, lush forests, and for its spice production. The English-speaking main island is 135 square miles, and its population is 113,000. The capital is Saint George.

In 2004, Hurricane Ivan destroyed 90% of the homes on the island, which have since been rebuilt, and are quite beautiful.

Grenada produces 40% of the world’s Nutmeg which is so important that it appears on its national flag.

Our reservations provided us the opportunity to snorkel, exploring the popular Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park off the coast. Opening in 2006, it was the world’s first underwater sculpture garden, which attract a wide variety of marine life.

So this holiday season, when you find yourself enjoying a nice cup of eggnog, there is a good chance that some of the yumminess can be attributed to nutmeg from Grenada.
Happy holidays my friends.

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