Our couple of nights at the Miami International Hotel was outstanding. What a view. And the formal gala was awesome!

The Ship
Boarding the ship was very surreal, but just as we stepped on, a staff member greeted us by saying “welcome home”. (Awe…)
We decided early-on to not travel as light as we generally do. In addition to our luggage, we shipped several hundred pounds of freight to the ship, so our room was pretty filled up when we arrived. (I figured, worst case scenario, we would have the “Ultimate World Garage Sale” the following weekend!) So, needless to say, our room was a disaster when we arrived.

But within a few days, we got it under we got it under control… (That Karen is the best wife in the world!)

On Sunday evening, we sailed away at sunset. Later that evening, we enjoyed an evening of kick-off events, which included the lighting of the Christmas tree and a balloon drop!

We are traveling on the Serenade of the Sea. There are ~1200 passengers onboard as well as ~800 crew. At the completion of our journey, we will have traveled 64,000 nautical miles to 61 countries.
Here we go…

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