Ravenna, Italy
Hello, and thank you for dropping by. Today’s adventures took us to the medieval city of Ravenna (pronounced ruh · veh · nuh), the Italian city of mosaics.

Back in the 200-300 AD era, Ravenna was the third most powerful city in Italy. Today, its 150,000 residents were kind enough to share their home with us for the day. Although it is fairly small, the area’s several museums, piazza, and cathedrals are definitely tourist worthy.

Karen and I, still in recovery mode from yesterday’s sweltering heat, took it pretty easy, enjoying just a several hour stroll through the local parks, squares, neighborhoods and such. Having stumbled upon the tomb of Dante, we took a moment to just take it all in and appreciating the coolness afforded by the overcast skies.

The casual atmosphere here is so relaxing. As we strolled along an off-the-beaten-path walkway, I noticed that the cobble stones paths had discretely morphed into large smooth flagstone-like alleyways.

Along came an older gentlemen, slowly peddling his bicycle. He was dressed impeccably in a sport coat, tie, vest, and fedora. As he discretely nodded to me, his thin smile peered from under the wisp that was his mustache. I could not help but to think what perfectly marvelous lives they live here. As I smiled back with a nod, I scolded myself for even thinking of reaching for my camera to capture this picturesque moment. I guess some images just need to be captured in your mind’s eye. (Maybe there is still hope that somehow, we have become just a couple of people passing by, and are no longer part of the swarm of tourist.) Hmmm…

Later in the day, we fell upon the Piazza San Francesco, which is the home to the Basilica San Fresco di Ravenna. Built in the 13th century, the Basilica is unique in that, down below the altar, there is a little hidden overlook balcony overlooking the Flooded Crypt of San Francesco. The mosaic flooring is this 1900 year old basement, which many gold fish and ducks call home. All of this is directly under the altar, and hidden from the folks seated in the pews. Although the view is exceptional, there is a catch. You have to put in a coin (Euro) in order to turn on the lights! (Funny, it kind’a looks like a slot machine hidden away down there under the priest’s feet! Put in a coin, pull the lever, and see the light!) Anyway, it was definitely something different.

Afterwards, we stopped for a bite to eat on the way home. Friends had told us about a hidden gem tucked away on a side street. We tried their remarkable cream sauce over macaroni with crispy ham shavings. Second best pasta I have ever had in my life! For just a moment, I thought that perhaps I had died and went to Italy.

Heading home early to rest up for tomorrow’s adventure Trieste, renown for its Gothic castle, in a cave. This is stuff dreams are made of, but not tonight, for that my friends, is another story.
Thank you. Please drop by again the next time that you are in the neighborhood.
– Mike
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” – J.R.R. Tolkein, The Fellowship of the Ring

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